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Upon reflection of this lesson I felt that while this specific learning opportunity had a lot of positive outcomes, there werealso some connections and thinking that could have really been enhanced by additional Talk Moves and questioning. Throughout the lesson I took note of a lot of, “What,” questionsbeing addressed to the student. These types of convergent questions only require one type of response, and the teacher is asking them to gain a specific correct answer. I thought through the use of more divergent questioning, students would engage in deeper mathematical thinking and solidify the strategy they were learning. Answering what 60 X 3 is requires a simpler type of thinking versus explaining why when the problemsays 65 X 3 we use 60 as a factor yet still multiply it by 3. When a student adds an extra zero or one to the end of their answer, instead of telling them that it is incorrect, I would ask them why they chose to add that zero, and clarify their reasoning so they may better understand the path they took resulting in the error. Having the students talk about their thinking out loud aides in retention and often helps the student self-correct and monitor where the error occurred. The teacher could really utilize restating and revoicing when having students explain their steps and reasoning for errors. Hearing their response or reasoning in a different way (by the teacher or peer) may help the student better understand what they were trying to express OR help them acknowledge errors and move in the direction of correcting them. Thislesson could really be transformed into an opportunity for students to, “talk out,” the multiplication problems they encounter. Hearing their own ideas expanded on through the words of someone else may present different ways to think about a problem, helping them solve a similar problem later faster and more efficiently! An additional activity could be for students to share their work and steps taken to solve the problems with a partner. This would be done after they solved the problem on their whiteboards (as what was done in today’s lesson). Once again, saying the steps out loud and explaining their work to someone else will ideally foster deeper retention and understanding of the strategy. Often these forms of interactions and discussions need to be formally or informally facilitated by the teacher, especially in math where there is a history of silent solving and written expression. Wait time would be a valuable component to include with these open-ended questions and discussion. Students require time to thinkthrough what they did, what they encountered and to be able to express what was written verbally. Often students feel rushed to answer a question quickly when in front of their peers. This pressure may result in error, leaving the student feeling more confused than before. Giving the students sufficient time allows them to dive in to their working memory and bring to the surface ideas and perspective used while solving the problem. I feel my CT already does an incredible job giving the students plenty of time to gather their thoughts and express themselves. Including some of TalkMoves and questioning prompts I discussed above would really compliment my CT’s already positive and interactive style in the classroom.
All our students can be math wizards when engaged in higher-level mathematical thinking!
Students are asked to put on their thinking caps when restating or re voicing their peer's responses and reasoning. WARNING: This may cause shock and astonishment when done for the first time!